Want to Know Why The TSA Needs to “Touch Your Junk?” Sorry, That’s Classified!

Grumpy Cat with SSIIn 2010, the TSA implemented a radically invasive search program that transformed the agency from a mere inconvenience to the most despised agency in the country. Late that year, the nude body scanners and enhanced pat-down procedures were rolled out as primary screening, ensuring that the TSA would either look at or touch every inch of your body. The pat-down involves a TSA screener literally putting their hands in your pants (they call it a “waistband check”), in the name of your safety.

Is all this really necessary? For what purpose does the TSA require a hand on your genitals? Internal TSA documents leaked by a federal court a couple weeks ago provide some insight on the matter (that I’ve been ordered not to discuss, so you’ll have to click the link to find out why!), but my lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of “scope-and-grope” forces the TSA to explain itself in writing. The time has finally come, and their answer?

Sorry, that’s classified!

The TSA filed on Tuesday a motion to submit their brief — the one that explains why they “must” abuse travelers in airports nation-wide — under seal and ex parte because it will contain information administratively classified as “Sensitive Security Information.” “Under seal” means the public doesn’t get to see it, and “ex parte” means that the other side of the case (me) doesn’t even get to see it. (They were nice enough to offer to send me a redacted copy at some point, which I’m sure will resemble a stack of black construction paper.)

The TSA is, essentially, saying to the public: “Trust us, we need to use scanners to conduct a virtual strip search, touch your body anywhere we like, and anything else we deem necessary, but we can’t tell you why because then the terrorists would win.” At this point, does anyone still believe them?

Corbett v. DHS – Motion to File Under Seal (.pdf)

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23 thoughts on “Want to Know Why The TSA Needs to “Touch Your Junk?” Sorry, That’s Classified!

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  1. The perverse policies of the TSA are costing the commercial aviation industry a million additional passengers every year. TSA is literally abolishing air travel in the United States.

  2. TSA is expanding its reach far beyond airport security:

    Ron Nixon reports in The New York Times on the expansion of TSA’s Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response squads, or VIPR, which are leaving the airports behind to perform security checks at train stations, subway stops, and other transportation-related hubs.

    Perhaps more surprising is their reach into places you wouldn’t really expect: Rodeos, music festivals, and sporting events. Their expansion has civil liberties groups pushing back on what they call warrantless searches with no probable cause.

  3. Drum & Bass DJ Banned From Traveling to US After Shakedown at Canadian Border:

    Jason Bunsie, or Capital J as he is known by many, was detained and interrogated at the border after he was targeted as a high risk traveler .

    The border police were giving him such a difficult time because they noticed that he makes frequent trips to the United States, and apparently that is enough for them to justify a shakedown.

    When it was discovered that he visits the states on business his entry to the country was denied and they banned him from entering for a year.

  4. The TSA Wants to Remind You That You Are A Captive:

    The TSA is funding the rollout of exit pods at major airport terminals across the country.

    Travelers are forced to be bottlenecked through the pods as they leave the airport terminal. A robotic voice gives instructions to wait inside the pod until a green light is shown and the door opens.

    The pods have already been installed at Syracuse International Airport as part of a $60 million dollar renovation and are likely to make their way into other major airports soon. Once travelers exit the pods, they are unable to re-enter the terminal.

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