Brief Filed in Last Remaining Court Case Against TSA Nude Body Scanners & Pat Downs

I’ve been working on this one for a while now. After pawing through several thousand pages of the TSA’s “administrative record” (their alleged rationale behind why they must photograph us naked and literally put their hands in our pants to search us), I filed yesterday a 56 page brief in my case against scope & grope. This is the last remaining challenge to the TSA’s October 2010 decision to invade our bodies and turn already annoying security theatre into blatant sexual assault on the scale of 1.8 million passengers per day. As best I’m aware, all other cases have been tossed, and their filers will not be following up with further appeals.

I’ll be posting as much as I can of the administrative record — some of it is sealed for various reasons — over the course of the coming days, and will be highlighting several revelations of which I don’t think the public is yet aware. I’ll also be working to get the remaining documents unsealed, as one of the sealed records contains an admission that entirely undermines the TSA’s (already weak) justifications for its invasive behavior.

Meanwhile, the US Attorney on my case is furloughed, of course. 😉

Corbett v. DHS – Appellate Brief – Public (.pdf) CENSORED BY U.S. GOVERNMENT [?]
Corbett v. DHS – Appellate Brief – Exhibits (.pdf)
Corbett v. DHS – Appellate Brief – Declaration (.pdf)

Want to donate to the fight against TSA assholery? PayPal or Bitcoin: 15ftA2938sp7Mnsi8U7wYVmEtd4BRbFnkT

22 thoughts on “Brief Filed in Last Remaining Court Case Against TSA Nude Body Scanners & Pat Downs

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  1. So they have the billion dollars to waste on nigh useless strip search machines and the pizza box adverts necessary to recruit the back alley pedophiles they need to back them up, but not enough to pay their lawyers when everyone points out how blatantly illegal it is.

  2. When was the last time we had a hijacking? That’s right! We have children entering into Jr. high school who’ve never experienced a hijacking in their lifetime. Is it safer to fly now then what it was twelve years ago? I have to say yes. I think your up hill battle is ‘no one forced you to fly’. It was by your choice knowing very clear of the screening procedures you submitted yourself and personal property. This sounds like nothing more then a get rich quick scheme on your part. I have zero problems with TSA when fly.

    1. Since when did stripping people naked and rubbing their private parts prevent a hijacking? Before 9/11 the official policy was if your plane was hijacked the pilots had to hand the plane over the hijackers. So you know what? Now they don’t do that. Problem solved.

      The get rich scheme is on the part of the companies who lobbied congress to implement scanners that put people in danger from radiation exposure and sexual abuse. Normally people wouldn’t have to stand up to this sort of thing because the decent lawmakers would have put a stop to it. The problem is we don’t have many of those left.

    2. And you seriously think that the TSA prevents hijacking? Do you really believe that rubbing my 9 year old’s genitals and looking at my wife’s naked image prevents hijacking? You poor brainwashed person. TSA did not catch even a single terrorist despite the BILLIONS of dollars it robbed from the American people. All the potential airplane hijacking since 9/11 were prevented thanks to intelligence and malfunction and not thanks to the TSA bullies.
      Think how much good we could have done with those wasted billions of dollars, how many jobs we could have created, how many sick people could have been treated, how many kids could have received better education, and how many terrorists cold have been caught with better utilization of (fraction of) this money.

      And regarding “no one forced you to fly” – this is one of the more ridiculous statements I’ve heard. Flying is a right in a democratic country, not a privilege that the government is allowed to take away from you when they feel like it. And guess what, sometimes people are forced to fly – from work or to visit family (or you want to say that no one forced you to work or to have a family…).

      And one last small fault in your post – stopping the TSA from abusing American passengers won’t get Jon, nor anyone else, rich. Only happier, safer and more free.

    3. I’d like to point out that this legal action comes with no request, or possibility, for monetary damages. There’s no one getting rich quick here, except maybe the body scanner manufacturers and whomever may be receiving kickbacks, campaign contributions, etc., therefrom. 🙂

      A search is not consensual or voluntary when predicated upon, “if you don’t submit, then you will be barred by the government from x, y, z.” I reject your proposal that choosing to travel means that I must choose to accept, or “submit,” to government assholery.

  3. Wi-Vi system uses Wi-Fi to see through walls:

    Researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have developed what could become low-cost, X-ray vision. The system, known as “Wi-Vi,” is based on a concept similar to radar and sonar imaging, but rather than using high-power signals, this tech uses reflected Wi-Fi signals to track the movement of people behind walls and closed doors.

  4. the option should exist where people can get on without being checked, but they have to be willing to acknowledge the risk of getting blown up, sign waivers and understand that they have to take the more scenic (and likely more expensive) route so that jets can be scrambled in time, leaving the jet pilots more guilt free after taking necessary action.

    Said with tongue partially inserted in cheek.

  5. TSA loudspeakers threaten travelers with arrest for joking about security:

    Matt Miller said on the morning of September 20th, during his return trip from Colorado to Florida, he spent a few hours in Houston waiting for a connecting flight. Sitting at the George Bush Intercontinental Airport, he repeatedly heard a TSA audio message on the intercom that disturbed him.

    “…You are also reminded that any inappropriate remarks or jokes concerning security may result in your arrest.”

    Click on the link below to listen to the TSA broadcast

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