BREAKING: TSA Threatens Mainstream Media Not To Cover Story

I’ve been on the phone all day for the last 2 days with reporters and journalists of all kinds, including the big bad MSM, and one South Florida reporter told me that he had been “strongly cautioned” by the TSA not to cover my viral YouTube video showing TSA nude body scanners to be completely worthless. Absolutely unbelievable:

Update: The name of the TSA spokeswoman who attempted to intimidate this journalist is Sari Koshetz.

Update 2: Second journalist comes forward in comments on this post: SmarterTravel March 8, 2012 at 3:34 pm | #11 Reply | Quote | Edit We were also “strongly cautioned” not to cover the story. We did anyway at SmarterTravel:

The TSA is clearly no fan of the 4th Amendment, nor of 5th Amendment due process rights, and now this blatant attempt to manipulate the free press with “strong caution” hits at Amendment the First. Why strong caution? Are there repercussions for journalists that fail to heed this “advice?” Because, you know, if I were a member of the free press and the federal government asked me to censor myself, I’d happily comply . . . . . . . . . riiight.

I have news for the federal government: Americans will not take censorship in any form. We thought we made this clear when you tried to force SOPA on us.

So what should we do about this? If you’re a journalist who has received any kind of similar warning, please contact me. Everyone else, please take a moment to contact your local mainstream media outlets (Fox, ABC, NBC, CNN, etc.) to request that they cover the original story. The Internet has been absolutely amazing as have large alternative programs (Alex Jones, for example) and I do believe that we have successfully spread the word. But, if the TSA doesn’t want the MSM to cover it, there’s probably a reason, so let’s take the battle there!

223 thoughts on “BREAKING: TSA Threatens Mainstream Media Not To Cover Story

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  1. The real test of what that strong caution amounts to will be the next time a journalist who ignored it tries to get on an air plane.

    My bet is they’ll find themselves on a no-fly list for being an “enemy” of the United States.

  2. Yeah don’t bother mentioning any details. Like, you know, WHAT THE STORY IS that you’re not supposed to cover.

  3. Don’t count on the mainstream media to cover this. They’re owned by the same big corporations that lobby our government and they would never air something that would go against the establishment.

    Try contacting smaller and more independent media including international ones like Democracy Now. They may have a better chance of covering it.

  4. You may have seen it, but, for those of you who haven’t, I will post TSA-hole Man on here.


    TSA-hole Man (tune of Secret Agent Man)

    Pretending to be keeping you from danger,
    He’s just a perv who likes to grope a stranger.
    With each exam he makes, another bag he rakes,
    Odds are you’ll see what’s missing by tomorrow!

    TSA-hole man,
    TSA-hole man,
    Your clothes he’ll disencumber,
    Before you board your plane.

    Taking all nail clippers that he finds,
    Oglin’ image-scans of behinds,
    Oh, be careful what you say, around the TSA,
    Or odds are you’ll be gate-raped ‘till tomorrow!

    TSA-hole man,
    TSA-hole man,
    Your clothes he’ll disencumber,
    Before you board your plane.

    (guitar solo)

    TSA-hole man,
    TSA-hole man,
    Your clothes he’ll disencumber,
    Before you board your plane.

    Gropin’ granny at the airport one day,
    Then harassing travelers boarding trains the next day,
    Oh no, DHS let it slip, there’s more work for this drip,
    The odds are he’s at WalMart by tomorrow!

    TSA-hole man,
    TSA-hole man,
    He’ll fondle your cucumber,
    Before you board your plane.

    TSA-hole Man!

  5. OK, enough comments already! There are 87 comments and not *ONE* of them blame Bush for what is going on.

    What, do you really mean to tell me Bush is not a fault here?

    Am I the only one who can draw the map that leads directly to Bush being the actual person to blame? I don’t think so. I am not going to waste my time drawing up a 72 point map showing how the e-mail more than likely came directly from Bush, not the TSA.

    But I don’t need to. This is American and we are not dumb. We know this is the fault of Bush and that is all that needs to be said. IBB.


      1. “You’re” is the contractive form of ‘You are’, as is “didn’t” is to ‘did not’ or “they’re” is to ‘they are’. Saying either one interchangeably is acceptable; In fact ‘you are’ is more formal than “you’re”. That being said, make sure that you know what you are talking about before you start correcting everyone’s grammar.

    1. yes he started it, Santorum voted for it, Gingrich & Romney believe it was a good idea, and Obama expanded exponentially.

      Bush started it, but Obama has fully embraced this movement against the entire bill of rights.

      Guess who has been railing against this for the past 30+ years?

      Ron Paul.

      1. 1) TSA hasn’t existed for 30+ years.
        2) Obama didn’t expand TSA. In fact, they’re at the same staffing levels as they were in 2004.
        3) The truth is that you neo-con idiots attempt to use stuff like this to promote political gain for the Paulestinians. Its such a joke that Ron Paul doesn’t even pay you any attention anymore.


      2. Obama did not expand the TSA, but the scanners did not come into full use until after he became President so there was some opportunity to keep it from happening. So, while staffing is the same, the intrusion on our rights from its use has expanded exponentially..

      3. most ballinest playere, you were on a roll until you showed your liberal crassness by name calling.

        As for making skies safer, with the federal government’s agenda I’m reminded of a quote from a man who was one of the first militia men who trained ordinary citizens in arms, “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

        What you’re implying is that the state should have the right to search anyone anywhere anytime without probable cause or court warrants. Some of us believe in the Bill of Rights, even if the only Amendment still intact is the Third, so far.

    2. Our freedoms have been eroding for years – decades – even under freedom-espousing Reagan – and now, Shrub and O’Bummer have brought the issue to a head.

      It is pointless to argue about who is to blame. Don’t people realize that is exactly what Washington wants – for us to squabble with each other? As long as we waste our energy fighting with each other then nothing changes in Washington.

      They are ALL to blame. And WE are to blame for letting it happen.

    3. that’s because one man can’t do this much damage to freedom and liberty, nor could his 8 year term. the real blame should be placed on the american public for continuously allowing these atrocities without stepping up to the plate and saying “ENOUGH!!!”

    4. Actually, Cheney is to blame. Do you honestly thing Bush was smart enough to plan any of this? Fact is, he was nothing more than a sock-monkey puppet for Cheney for 8 years.

      1. Wow seriously think about it. He was acting he was stupid so people like you wouldn’t blame him for the shit he caused (WAR).

      2. Noface, so Hussein didn’t violate the Gulf War agreements; use WMDs killing over a million people; refuse to cooperate with nuclear inspection teams; try to get nuclear materials; attack four countries over oil; wasn’t tied to terrorism; say he wanted to go after Bahrain, UEA, Qatar, and finally Saudi Arabia to establish a Pan Arab nation to corner the oil producing region so as to get nuclear weapons to attack Israel and the US?

        I guess I got my history wrong. Likely it was all made up by Bush, right?

    5. It’s obama’s fault.
      Always has been and always will be.

      What’s going to be your next loser statement – ‘wait till next year’?

    6. Yes, Bush started this. And Obama decided to continued it. They are both equally culpable.

      No surprise – there is a large overlap between the policies of fascists and communists.

  6. I believe you’re putting yourself in some danger and while I appreciate your work and your uncovering more of the TSA scam and sham, watch your back man.

    1. Well now… If we all thought that way, this country would have been gone a long time ago.
      Thank God for the Bravehearts and the heros!!! “UNITED WE STAND”

    1. Not only using Internet Explorer but also OWA which also appears to be running on the same server as the primary email gateway. Shame that CEO of a tech company would reveal such information in a public forum like that. Lesson: Be aware of what you post BEFORE you post it.

      As far as TSA, whatever. Media should cover what news is news.

  7. USER_it_12321 :
    First of all, you can and should use a comma to separate two independent clauses even when using a conjunction.
    Secondly, there are numerous grammatical mistakes in your sentence. Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
    Normally you don’t add a comma directly before an [an is unnecessary] ‘and’ [unnecessary use of single quotes]. Probably home-skoold! [incomplete sentence sentence]
    Feel free to attack my grammar, but know that I did not cast the first stone.

    Actually you use a comma before the conjunction “and”, when you have a list of items that are unrelated to the other, and you want to draw distinctions between them.

    For example:

    1. I went to the store to buy coffee, donuts and arsenic.

    2. I went to the store to buy coffee, donuts, and arsenic.

    The first sentence shows murderous intent. The second sentence means that the household probably has a rat problem.

      1. If in doubt about clarity; punctuate. It makes comprehension so much easier. Too many posters make good points but lose effectiveness because of poor grammar and spelling.

        By the way, I need a spellchecker such is my atrocious spelling.

  8. This is certainly a very interesting story, but to my mind there is a government response that is appropriate and one that might not be. From the evidence produced here, I am not sure which is at play.

    Is the TSA threatening journalists who ask questions suggesting that they are going to write about the evidence that TSA machines are easily evaded, or just trying to persuade them that the claim is meritless and that the blogger making the claim has an ax to grind (don’t we all?)?

    The email reproduced could be in the former category, although the words “strongly cautioned” have a more sinister implication. The strong implication in the blog is that the Smarter Travel” newsletter is who was strongly cautioned, but Smarter Travel has told me in no uncertain terms that it did not send the email reproduced in the blog and, in fact, has not claimed to have been “strongly cautioned”.

    I’d like to see what the TSA’s actual words were before making a firmer judgment. I wonder if you are free to reveal the actual words transmitted by the TSA.

      1. There is no difference between bloggers and journalists, they both write with bias and opinion.
        It is comparable to, say, a mechanic that went to school and a backyard neighbourhood mechanic. Both will fix your car, and both are considered ‘mechanics’.
        If not, then do explain what your argument is for drawing the line between bloggers and journalists.

  9. First of all, your video is a joke. Second of all, it contains a lot of inaccurate information. Sure, you can sneak your makeup through the checkpoint…

    But who really cares about you, your “first” lawsuit that went nowhere, and this Ron Paul-esque approach to dealing with your problem with authority?

    The truth is that you’re trying to grab attention. And, Blogger Bob was right. Thanks for showing us what an unpatriotic American looks like.

    1. “Drop your pants and grab your ankles!” is apparently the “new patriot”.

      Keep at that, guy. Let’s see how far that gets you. Oh…wait. I forgot. You and the rest of the complacent masses that share this mentality already have been taking us all for this ride. A ride to $15 trillion in the whole and criplling the founding principals of the country.

      Mission accomplished, bub.

    2. This response is hilarious!

      You must work for the TSA, because this is the exact same dismissive attitude used there and shows they are incapable of any critical thought.

    3. I got douche chills reading your post. Its like having a brain without a conscious stream of critical thinking.

    4. i really liked how “blogger bob” dumbed down that blog post so the flouride heads could understand too. I wrote blogger bob a question– i asked him why, according to eye witness testimony and testimony of the Under Sectary of Transporation that the under wear bomber was allowed on the plane sans passport by…..(wait for it)…………UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT…. Yup here is the video of the testimony before congress….

      still no response.

  10. Why did you use Alex Jones as an example? He’s a paranoid half-wit. Including his name can only weaken the impact of the story.

  11. bush, obama,clinton,bush….blah blah blah blah…….more control is all your gonna get. wait till the MITT gets in, and the American people ask….WHY is nothing changes, were we fooled AGAIN……………LOL……….no shit, your brains are MUSH !

  12. Blue ball been played… jump off a bridge you commiserate bastard! YOU IS DUM! LOL.

  13. What have they done to the Earth?
    What have they done to our fair Sister?
    Ravaged and plundered and ripped Her and bit Her
    Stuck Her with knives in the side of the Dawn
    And tied Her with fences and dragged Her down……

      1. Not exactly saying much now, is that? And I actually read/watch some of his stuff and agree that people have lost their GD minds. Guy seems borderline strawman, though. I mean seriously, I get the area 51 aliens vibe from him half the time and see verified/documented stuff the other half.

  14. “The Natural Law Remedy to TSA Airline Security Groping” provides the law underlying TSA searches, and some approaches you can take. E.g., it is against state laws to touch children because of harm; children cry at TSA’s hands. The parent as GUARDIAN cannot cannot waive the child’s right to be free of molestation.

    The dilemma of harming children to protect society does not occur in a free society.

    Free download:

    Also see “How to Disobey Unjust Laws”

  15. This is somewhat unrelated, but I was curious… Is it illegal or would I get kicked out of the airport for liking the pat down? Like, enjoying it? I mean, not seriously, but to make the agent feel awkward… If they have to do it, I might as well enjoy it…

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