Corbett v. TSA: One Month Until Oral Arguments

The first filed and last remaining challenge to the constitutionality of the TSA’s goes to oral arguments on June 4th, 2014 at 10:00 AM in Miami, FL. On that day, I will need to persuade 3 federal judges that using a machine that can see every inch of our bodies without any suspicion whatsoever and when effective alternatives exist is a violation of our Fourth Amendment rights.

There is no doubt: this is an uphill battle. Just a couple weeks ago, U.S. Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia said in an interview that it is “foolish” to have the courts strike down the executive’s decisions on anti-terrorism measures because the courts don’t have enough information to decide if that’s safe. We live in a world where those in government, I think, truly believe that if we don’t give the executive free reign to fight the war on terror, civil rights be damned, we are all going to die. A world where critical thinking is prohibited because the government must know better, and us mere mortals (“civilians”) are not equipped to scrutinize the means by which the government “keeps us safe.”

I will attempt to persuade the courts that they must complete their constitutional duty of making sure that the laws of Congress and acts of the executive do not trample the limitations clearly enumerated in the Bill of Rights. That they must look deeper into what the government is doing rather than giving infinite deference, and if the courts feel they don’t have enough information, they must seek out the truth. For if we have a court system that will forego seeking the truth because it would be difficult, inconvenient, or time-consuming, we are entirely lost.

I invite you to join me in Miami on the 4th. It is possible that the court will close the courtroom for some of the proceedings (wouldn’t want secrets like the fact that the body scanners don’t actually work leaking out to the public!), but I will advocate for keeping as much of the proceedings open to the public as possible.

18 thoughts on “Corbett v. TSA: One Month Until Oral Arguments

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  1. I hope many Florida residents and non Florida residents who are able to make it will support you in court as you continue to flight for all of us who know what the TSA is doing is unconstitutional.

    1. Hello anyone who is interested, (Sorry John looks like my last reply was too long and didn’t get posted) I don’t know if the current scanners give out much radiation or not but if they do radiation (any kind) causes oxidative stress which causes the damage to the body. Taking 500 mg of vitamin C and 150 mg of vitamin E (bought from any vitamin store) can protect the body from radiation since they are anti-oxidants.

      Here is a study about radiation exposure and protection with vitamins C and E:

      The study is titled:

      Vitamin C and E combination modulates oxidative stress induced by X-ray in blood of smoker and nonsmoker radiology technicians. By Kayan M et All.

      1. Also being at the airport with their corrupt TSA agency can cause stress. Here is a scientifically proven way to help get rid of stress to clean out the energy of the body:

        It is called the Sedona Method. It was scientifically validated by Harvard and State Univeristy of New York:

        The book can be found very cheap at

  2. Jon I am amazed and greatful that people like you exist. There are a handful out there like you. Otherwise, I have totally given up hope on humanity.

  3. If the Supreme Court considers it “reasonable” to mandate that people arbitrarily be irradiated, stripped naked, and sexually assaulted to look for weapons without any probable cause, then I am really afraid to ask what exactly it is that they consider to be “unreasonable?”

    Anyways, I’ll be pulling for you Jon! This country may have lost its way, but it is good to know that there are still people out there who are willing to stand up and fight for what’s right.

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